Monday, March 30, 2009

The Homosexuals and Silver Apples @ The Echo, 03/29/09

"I have known love and love is blind"

I went to see the seminal 19070s British Punk band, The Homosexuals with Silver Apples at The Echo with last night. The band consists, of course, of Bruno Wizard as the only original member and a bunch of younger dudes supporting The Wiz.

The Homosexuals sans Anton + a bunch of younger dudes and several Bruno costume changes

Silver Apples photo courtesy of Rolling Stone

Bruno totally vibed me as the British 70's Punk-legend version of our American frat boy roofie dropper. It was a really fun show but dude kept waxing philosophic about the power of "love" selectively eyeing down particular under-age female concert goers with what I can only describe as a creepy-ass rape stare. I mean, besides Wizard, I had to be one of the oldest people in the room, so you can imagine how awkward it was to watch him drool over little Echo Parkians 50 years his junior. CREEPER STATUS!!

Silver Apples
, however is the fucking best and Simeon Coxe III is my absolute hero. He stood up there old-as-fucking-hell, older even than Wizard, with his hand-crafted music machines and a "Roswell-type" alien T-shirt fucking slaying the crowd. I heard a lot of people say, " I hope I'm that cool when I'm that old". There is no way you will be that cool.

Astral Glamour - The Homosexuals

I Have Known Love - Silver Apples

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