Friday, August 7, 2009

2 Dead Chinese People in the Sand

Richard Brautigan tells us that “anybody can catch VD”

With this, I agree. “Please see a doctor of you think you’ve got it”

More applicable it would have been if Brautigan had pleaded for his readership to get to a doctor, because in my experience those apt to bout with social disease are 1000 subway rides away from regular scheduled check-ups.

The City detests them and forces them (sometimes by the hair) to work early and to home late.

The Chinese people are clearly just sleeping.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I got fucking robbed

at gunpoint. I felt like a fucking Korean. They took everything in the fucking shop. I'm just glad that me and my 2 friends, who i blindly led into this ambush made it out with our lives.

It could have very well turned out like this.